Hear Her Song

Thank you for your amazing contribution to Hear Her Song.  Your song "Kakenya's Dream" has been a huge hit in each performance!

Carla Canales

Kakenya's Dream

The Canales Project commissioned Sarah to compose an original song in honour of and inspired by Kakenya Ntayia.

The song is for solo alto voice and girls choir with lyrics by Gaynor Winstanley.

‘Kakenya’s Dream’ premiered in the US in May 2019. Washington DC at the National Gallery of Art with following performances in San José, CA at the Hammer Theatre Centre. It received it’s UK premiere in June 2019 at the Arena Theatre, Wolverhampton. Future performances in the US and UK are in the planning and we hope to make a recording of the song soon.

Kakenya Ntaiya

'Every girl, no matter where she is born, deserves a chance to dream, learn, and achieve her full potential'

Kakenya Ntaiya is a Kenyan educator, feminist and social activist.

She is the founder and president of the Kakenya Center for Excellence, founded in 2008, Kakenya’s Dream is a non-profit organisation that leverages education to empower girls, end harmful traditional practices including female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage and transform rural communities in Kenya.