Greenham Women Everywhere

Sarah was able to draw together a narrative that illuminated the unique, rich voices of these women and transformed them from anecdote into art. Her soundscapes both elevate precious material and present it to audiences in a way that bridges time and difference, bringing listener and content together in sympathy, intelligence and passion. A remarkable talent.

Producer Rebecca Morden - Scary Little Girls

The Greenham Common Peace Camp (1981 – 2000) formed of women from all over the world who braved every weather and indignity to live together in order to protest peacefully and creatively about the threat to humankind from the nuclear arms race.

Scary Little Girls in partnership with The Heroine Collective interviewed 100 of these women and Sarah created a spoken word musical journey for a their UK tour.

Told through the voices of the fascinating women who were there at camp, what life was like, why they were there, it’s meaning then and how it resonates today.

For more information on the project, the UK tour, full interviews, photographs and Greenham music: Greenham Women Everywhere

Listen - carve out 20 mins, make your self a cuppa and enjoy!